- First page shows name, course, year, essay title and word count.
- Contents page breaking essay down into sections.
- Quotations are called "Illustrations" and are listed at the front of the essay in a separate section.
- Sans serif headings with serif body text.
- Large line spacing between own text, small line spacing between quotes.
- Introduction talks through the contents of the essay chronologically.
- Quotes have single quotation marks not double and are given a new line and indented.
- Ideas within text are cited, not just quotes.
- Citation has square brackets and capital letters.
- Image are assigned a figure and placed in an index in the back. They are referred too in circular brackets by (Fig. 7).
- Chapters are of varying length.
- Repeated citations tend to stay within the same chapter, apart from the conclusion, which uses citations from all of the chapters.
- Images are large and spaced out when assigned figures.
- Conjunctives and commas are used to form larger sentences which makes the arguments read as more intellectual.
- Very formal, 'if one is of the opinion' rather than "if you're of the opinion".
- Noticed no spelling mistakes.
Dissertation 2 - Nathan Bolton, BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2013/14 - Is Print Still Relevant within the Digital Age?
- Inconsistent use of capital letters in title.
- First page shows name, course, year, essay title and word count.
- Contents page breaking essay down into sections.
- Quotations are called "Illustrations" and are listed at the front of the essay in a separate section.
- All text is sans-serif.
- Consistant large line spacing throughout document.
- Introduction gives no indication of content to come.
- Double quotation marks are used.
- Quotes are given a new paragraph but no indention of change of formatting.
- Citation has circular brackets and uses lower case letters.
- Single quotations are used for quoting sources within own text.
- Image are assigned a figure and placed in an index in the back. They are referred too in circular brackets by (Fig. 7).
- Sentences are often quite short rather than being joined together, making it feel somewhat disjointed in places.
- Images are large and spaced out when assigned figures.
- Subjective language is used occasionally; 'Whilst it looked great'.
- Noticed no spelling mistakes.
Dissertation 3 - Beth Hayden, BA (Hons) Graphic Design 2013/14 - Due to current methods of production, distribution and social practices, do fanzine have a place in today's society?
- Introduction talks through the rest of the essay.
- All quotes have double quotation marks.
- Quotes pulled out of the text as arguments have smaller line spacing.
- Circular brackets are used for citation, as are non-capitals.
- Some quotes are also used within text, cited in the same way.
- Many sentences are quite short and blunt.
Given that the first essay had a more academic tone to it than the first two, I would've thought that more time would've been spent researching the formatting of it, but the formatting of the citations was different to the other two, so this is something I'll need to look up.
The introduction to an essay should talk briefly about what content of the remainder of the essay is going to be, which makes the reader more prepared for it.
Images aren't to be put within the text, and should be placed after the conclusion.
The text should have large line spacing, and the formatting for the quotations should be clearly different.
Using longer sentences makes the essay sound more academic, and using subjective language should be avoided.
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