Monday, 18 May 2015

COP2 Module Evaluation

General Thoughts

I have really enjoyed COP this year, it’s been my favourite module on the course so far. I feel like the majority of the lectures this year have been much more beneficial to me. I found The Gaze and The Media, Consumerism, and Globalisation lectures particularly interesting. Given the focus of my essay, I’m sure I would’ve thought I’d have enjoyed the lecture on ethics, but unfortunately I was ill for that one.

The study tasks we’ve been set were really beneficial, the identity theory task really helped me look at things critically, which was something I struggled to do beforehand, and the triangulation exercise forced me to write in a way that triangulates an argument, which is something I’ve been doing innately in my essay since this.

My Performance

Looking back on my module evaluation from last years COP, the things I needed to improve on were commitment, attitude, and time management, and I think that I have improved massively in all three of these senses. I particularly think my attitude in COP has been pretty unquestionable, which is something that I’m really pleased about given my generally poor attitude to the course as a whole last year.

Making an early start on my essay has really benefitted me, because whenever I’ve spoken to Richard or Simon about it, I’ve had different questions to ask, which has resulted in a large amount of feedback. This has really helped the quality of my essay compared to last year. My approach to research has been a lot better this year as well, I found that taking out a couple of books led me to other books, and then it was easy to target areas of research that I didn’t have much content. This ultimately led me to discover Nietzsche, and although I haven’t used his ideas very much this year in COP, I want to base my dissertation around him next year.

Next Year

I’m really looking forward to writing my dissertation next year because it’s about a subject that I’m genuinely interested in. Towards the end of my essay this year I found that I was struggling to say everything I wanted to say in under 3,300 words, and so having the limit upped to 9,000 should give me much more room to enjoy my writing. 

Over the past two years my practical work in COP hasn’t been as good as I would’ve liked, and I hope that the slightly different approach to practical work in COP next year will help remedy this, as doing it throughout the year will mean that I’m constantly thinking about it in the same way that I’ve been constantly thinking about OUGD505 since Christmas.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Practical Response Evaluation

What Went Well

My solutions definitely had the right tone of voice about them, which was the main thing given I was trying to produce work with a positive feeling behind it.

I’m also pretty pleased with the process I went through to get to the outcomes, as the reseach was pretty concise which meant that I didn’t spend more time than neccdssary and my influences were clear.

What I'd Change

I realise now that after changing my initial WWF proposal I didn’t end up doing any first hand research before producing the outcomes, only retrespective questioning as to the success of my outcomes, which, even then, was a bit flimsy.

On thies topic I’m very annoyed that I didn’t end up taking my WWF posters to Yorkshire Wildlife Park with me to get opinions on them. This didn’t happen because it was raining slightly on the day my housemates and I had planned to go, so the few people that were there weren’t in the best of moods, so I probably would’ve got skewed feedback anyway.

The production of the Beer Pong cups was very rushed, and I think this is shown in the inconsistencies between them and the clear use of double-sided tape and white tack from looking inside the cups. That said, these imperfections help remove the seriousness from politics, and the more homemade feel to it adds a fun undertone to the project.

General Comments

Whilst I’m not particularly pleased with the visual look of the outcomes I produced, I’m very happy with the concepts behind them and I feel they prove what I set out to prove.

I found producing the practical work much easier this year than last year, and I put this down to having an essay to base it one that I had an interest in.

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Political Beer Pong Production

Below are the beer pong sets I made for my COP practical work


Influences From Research
  • The response "less text makes me think more" from my first hand research made me limit the amount of policies I put on each cup to three, which means that people don't have to read lots and are left with some brain capacity to think about the policies shown rather than struggling to remember a saturated.
  • Using numbers and statistics were possible was something that my first hand research suggested was convincing/assuring, so I added them to some of the policies where appropriate.
  • The whole project was based around the recontextualisation of politics, in the same way the political Pokemon cards achieved it.

Relevance To My Essay

“In the modern world the freedom of the individual is all-important. We don’t like being told what to do and question the right of those passing judgment. Conversely, we want to live our lives with a good conscience and so look for mechanisms to facilitate this taking place.” 
Roberts (2006)

"We have been bombarded with publications devoted to this belief, applauding the work of those who have flogged their skill and imagination to sell such things as: cat food, stomach powders, detergent, hair restorer, striped toothpaste, aftershave lotion, beforeshave lotion, slimming diets, fattening diets, deodorants, fizzy water, cigarettes, roll-ons, pull-ons and slip-ons. By far the greatest effort of those working in the advertising industry are wasted on these trivial purposes, which contribute little or nothing to our national prosperity."
Garland (1964) 

Design Decisions


I started out using the traditional red and blue American frat-party style plastic cups to try and make the connotations of alcohol and social interaction as clear as possible in the hope that they would overrun the boring connotations of politics. I tried to stick to these sort of vivid colours when trying to represent parties other than Labour and the Conservatives.


I chose to use Gotham for the text because of the successful political connotations with it from Barack Obama’s Hope campaign, as well as it being a popular font on the internet, which sits well with a younger audience.


The idea was to keep the cups simple so as not to detract any attention from the policies written on them or the faces of the party leaders. For this reason there is no extra text, not even naming the party the cup is representing, as this is represented well enough through the photographs and colours.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Political Beer Pong Proposal and Rationale


Since doing Study Task 4 in OUGD505 I realised how uninformed students are on the subject of politics, and was surprised by how few people planned on voting in the general election. I was initially planning on re-designing this Operation Black Vote campaign for the reasons explained in that post, but after doing the study task I felt that this was a more relatable issue.

It's still a relevant issue to the essay question as the campaign the government ran on getting people to get people to register was based on fear (as shown below) albeit in a slightly satirical manner.

While the government has clearly made an attempt to try and remove the seriousness from politics and make it a bit more fun, it doesn't go far enough to really have some weight behind it. Not only this, but it doesn't provide any information about any of the parties to give people an indication of who they should vote for.

After seeing how well political subversions of pokemon cards worked as shown by the amount of time I, and the people I showed them too spent reading them, I wanted to try and replicate this comedic way of presenting information in a way that would be accessible to students and distributed physically to them for free.


In my first hand experience as a student, whenever you want a pack of cards, no-one has one, this is a basis I worked on fairly successfully in OUGD504. Cheaply making a political Beer Pong "kit" that could be given out for free in Freshers packs would provide students with something they could have fun with that subconsciously adds positive connotations of fun and sociality to politics.

The "kit" would simply be 2 lots of 6 plastic cups, each of the 6 cups would be a different colour to represent different parties, and would have a photograph of the leader of the party on the front, with some of their policies that are beneficial to students on the back.

Keeping the political content to a minimum is required to make sure it's not contradictory to the fun nature of what I'm trying to produce. Whilst playing the game people obviously wouldn't read the policies, but when it's being set up or tidied away the person doing it may take a couple of seconds to read the policies, which would then spark their curiosity to make them look into it further.