Friday, 15 May 2015

Practical Response Evaluation

What Went Well

My solutions definitely had the right tone of voice about them, which was the main thing given I was trying to produce work with a positive feeling behind it.

I’m also pretty pleased with the process I went through to get to the outcomes, as the reseach was pretty concise which meant that I didn’t spend more time than neccdssary and my influences were clear.

What I'd Change

I realise now that after changing my initial WWF proposal I didn’t end up doing any first hand research before producing the outcomes, only retrespective questioning as to the success of my outcomes, which, even then, was a bit flimsy.

On thies topic I’m very annoyed that I didn’t end up taking my WWF posters to Yorkshire Wildlife Park with me to get opinions on them. This didn’t happen because it was raining slightly on the day my housemates and I had planned to go, so the few people that were there weren’t in the best of moods, so I probably would’ve got skewed feedback anyway.

The production of the Beer Pong cups was very rushed, and I think this is shown in the inconsistencies between them and the clear use of double-sided tape and white tack from looking inside the cups. That said, these imperfections help remove the seriousness from politics, and the more homemade feel to it adds a fun undertone to the project.

General Comments

Whilst I’m not particularly pleased with the visual look of the outcomes I produced, I’m very happy with the concepts behind them and I feel they prove what I set out to prove.

I found producing the practical work much easier this year than last year, and I put this down to having an essay to base it one that I had an interest in.

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